Can I Copy and Paste Website Terms and Conditions?

We seem to be getting this question a lot these days!
Apart from the potential copyright issues, website terms and conditions should change depending on how a website owner uses their website. For example, website terms and conditions for a business selling a product online ought to include elements like product warranties and refunds (reference to the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) perhaps), credit card and/or payment information, and shipping just to name a few. In our case, website terms and conditions make it clear that readers need to seek specific legal advice rather than rely on our broad blog articles.
In this regard, whilst many could get away with basic website terms and conditions, it is recommended that specific advice is sought for piece of mind. Particularly if you give advice or you sell something online.
Please touch base with Grauf O'Brien Lawyers for an obligation free discussion. We offer fixed price website terms and conditions.