How to Remove a Caveat
A caveat can prevent the transfer of title in real property. Learn how to remove a caveat so as to effect a transfer of title of your home.

Losing your Inheritance in Bankruptcy - How to Avoid
If a bankrupt inherits property during their bankruptcy, it will very likely vest in the trustee in bankruptcy. Learn how to protect your i

Obligations of a Bankrupt
What are the major effects on your life and the lives of your family and creditors in the event that you declare bankruptcy? This article b

Property at Risk in Bankruptcy
Not all property will be taken if you become Bankrupt. This article considers which property will be protected and which will be divisible

Forms of Insolvency Appointments
There are many forms of insolvency appointments in Australia under the Corporations Act and the Bankruptcy Act. A summary each of the diffe

Bankruptcy Notice and Creditor's Petition
A Bankruptcy Notice can be issued to recover judgment debts. If ignored, it can result in the debtors being made a bankrupt by way of a cre

Managing Trade Debtors - Statutory Demands
Trade Debtors can be managed through the Statutory Demand Process. If you have been served with a statutory demand, it can have very serious